55 thoughts on “Foolish Douche”

  1. Personally, I hope the “surprise” is a sexually transmitted disease. “Yeah it hurts when I pee, but at least the guy wasn’t an oriental!”

  2. How is someone NOT being attracted to a race of people SEXUALLY make them racist. This site is fucking pathetic.

    1. Everyone has their preferences as to whom they are attracted. Stating it in a nasty way by singling out a particular race is racist. See?

    2. Hey, I remember the last time this came up you said you are never going to come back because we are pathetic.

      So now that you are back, seems you just can’t keep away, so who is more pathetic.

  3. Race is an entirely artificial and arbitrary construct that has no biological basis. Saying you’re not attracted to anyone of asian descent makes as much sense as saying you’re not attracted to anyone from Connecticut. Sure, you may think that there are a lot of unattractive Connecticuters, but to deny that any person from that state could possibly be attractive in your eyes is just silly. And to deny that any person of a given race could possibly be attractive is both silly and racist.

  4. SD11 that is bullshit. Find me a blond haired blue eyed asian with lots of body hair and doe eyes that has a strong bridge in their nose with narrow small nostrils with a big dick and curly pubic hair. If u can then I’ll consider ur assinine statement that race is artificial and arbitrary. See if you can find someone not black with sickle cell anemia while ur at it.

    1. Andy all of those are specifications are aesthetic. Many of us also identify as being gay because we have an emotional attraction to men. I find out-ruling race above all other things repugnant. That aside, by “Asian”, do these guys mean all blokes from the Far East, the South-East, Polynesians and Hawaiians, the Middle-East, the western Mediterranean, Russia and parts of the former USSR, not to mention those whose families or them themselves no longer live in those regions? That’s a lot of blokes to piss off in one statement.

    2. Sickle cell is found more frequently in persons of Middle Eastern, Indian, Mediterranean and African heritage because those geographic regions are most prone to malaria. The gene variant for sickle cell disease is related to malaria, not skin color.
      Southern Europeans have it, too.

  5. Hey Andy. I have a feeling you probably saw your profile up on this site at one point. How’s being single? What a douche.

  6. You don’t have to put hate in a profile up front. I also find it funny that he brags about his eyes, then hides them

  7. This site should be called “sour grapes of grindr”. For all the whining and crying about how the supposed douchebags could’ve just ignored races they don’t like, all u overly sensitive, bend-over-backwards to be offended queens could also just ignore their profiles. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a certain aesthetic. If ur on grindr for an emotional connection, ur a damn fool and u deserve to be offended.

    1. I think you’re missing the point, andy. This site is here to point out the hypocrisy that exists within the gay community in regards, to racism, femmephobia, and ageism. The creator of this site (like most of us I assume) is sick and tired to the douchebags getting away with this kind of blatant hate and stupidity. Now they have to answer for it, and personally I think it’s about time.

      Also, it’s a fun way to pass the time…..

      1. Interesting…Jude (regular defender of “racial preference”) is back while the new regular defender of “racial reference” has disappeared.

        Hmm…same guy perhaps??

        Anyway, since Jude is back (who also like Andy avoided answering specific questions about racism and racial discrimination such as please explain what is it about these non-white men turn them off, etc) and he’s Aussie, I’m gonna provide some info from VicHealth.

        VicHealth has outlined a framework of reducing race-based discrimination, they listed out the key factors contributing to race-based discrimination on four levels ā€“ individual, organisational, community and societal.

        Under individual, the factors listed are:

        ā€¢ Belief in racial hierarchy and racial separatism

        ā€¢ Belief that some groups do not fit into Australian society

        ā€¢ Fear, anxiety, discomfort, avoidance or intolerance of

        ā€¢ Denial that discrimination occurs and/or that it is serious

        ā€¢ Negative stereotypes and prejudices

        ā€¢ Failure to recognise own negative attitudes/behaviours and/or a belief that they are ā€˜normalā€™

        ā€¢ Poor conflict resolution skills

        ā€¢ Limited positive inter-group relationships and interaction


        Ya dya think Jude, you reckon you tick some of these boxes?

        If not, care to explain why? Thanks heaps mate.

        1. Oops…typo

          “Interestingā€¦Jude (regular defender of ā€œracial preferenceā€) is back while the new regular defender of ā€œracial referenceā€, ANDY has disappeared…”

  8. Haha really Readycarlos? No one I know is laughing at the supposed “racism, femmephobia, and ageism” but their laighing at the losers who get upset about it. There is a widely held definition of what a “douchebag” is and guys specifying what race, demeanor, and age they want doesn’t autmatically make them a douchebag. Being a sore loser because ur attracted to them and they don’t want u does however automatically make u sourgrapes. And being a part of a minority by being gay doesn’t make u a hypocrite if every single variety of human being with a penis doesn’t get u hard.

  9. Sd11, algae, et al.:
    So expressing any preference for one thing over another is wrong, right? Not claiming one is better, but simply saying , “for hookups, I prefer white guys or Latinos” is a horrible thing?

    You must be a top, because the way you’re talking out of your ass, no one could get a dick in edgewise.

    1. No need to be facetious. Let me take a different approach and promote physical attributes since those evidently appeal above all else. Eastern men have among the smoothest skin you will ever feel. The pigment is beautiful. Depending on where they come from they have had one, two, possibly more years of compulsory army military training (ding dong). Again, depending on where they come from, there is a surplus of men due to the (unfortunate) preference towards male children necessitating that they look, feel and smell good to compete with their peers. How much can I pay you to snog an Eastern man? Because you will be rewarded (from the sounds of it). Maybe you just haven’t met the right Asian man before.

  10. Just wanted to share some info…

    VicHealth (statutory authority in the Australian state of Victoria) has a listed a framework of reducing race-based discrimination and in the info provided in the framework, they listed out the key factors contributing to race-based discrimination on four levels ā€“ individual, organisational, community and societal.

    Under individual, the factors listed are:
    ā€¢ Belief in racial hierarchy and racial separatism

    ā€¢ Belief that some groups do not fit into Australian society

    ā€¢ Fear, anxiety, discomfort, avoidance or intolerance ofā€Ødiversity

    ā€¢ Denial that discrimination occurs and/or that it is serious

    ā€¢ Negative stereotypes and prejudices

    ā€¢ Failure to recognise own negative attitudes/behaviours and/or a belief that they are ā€˜normalā€™

    ā€¢ Poor conflict resolution skills

    ā€¢ Limited positive inter-group relationships and interaction


    Just so you guys know who and what you’re dealing with here…

  11. Algae, glad u love’m what’s with the need for everyone to? U sound like the right wing xtians who say I haven’t found the right woman, who incedentantly have smooth skin also and its not something I really look for. There are plenty of people who aren’t Asian yet are exclusively attracted to Asians. That’s not racist either. And Azulmelb, clearly u still don’t understand a strawman argument because none of that applies to sexual attraction. What do u queens want? For people to pop a viagra and close their eyes and force themselves to have sex with guys they’re not attracted to just to be p.c.? And rudeness doesn’t equal racist.

  12. Oh and Algae, r u talking to me with that “how much can I pay u to snog and Eastern man” comment? I’ve probably hooked up with 20+ Asians and even tho they’re not my type, there will probably be more. I don’t have “no asians” on my grindr profile but I think anyone has a right to exclude whoever they want for whatever frivilous or arbitrary reasons they want when it comes to sex and romance. By the standards some of u expect, a gorgeous young physically perfect guy can’t put parameters on who he’s attracted to or he’s one of your many pc ____ists or ___phobes.

    1. I’ve already replied to you on the other post but again – it’s awaiting moderation for like the past three hours or so it seems…

      If you want I can cut and paste it here. I’ll make it into shorter paragraphs this time…

  13. Dude, whatā€™s with the attitude?

    Consistently, you have responded defensively, emotionally, sarcastically and with some dose of racial stereotyping. Are you a fan of Bill Oā€™Reilly cuz you sure argue like him ā€“ you donā€™t listen to the argument or comments given, you attack without understanding and you respond with derision. Is that how you usually debate or try to resolve a conflict?

    Iā€™ve look at your other comments on the other posts ā€“ it seems you are very disrespectful, hateful and probably emotionally unstable person.

    Iā€™m not sure I would want to engage with someone who obviously does not care about the feelings of others. Your persistent denial of the harmful effects of people saying, ā€˜No Asiansā€™ screams out that you lack EMPATHY.

    You may think itā€™s trivial and harmless but itā€™s not ā€“ gay people lack space to feel free to be themselves and to feel accepted in a hetero world so spaces such as Grindr or other online sites can be a good addition to the few spaces available for all queers.

    But consider how it feels being a gay Asian or other minorities (overweight, old, trans, etc) and continually getting the message that they donā€™t belong in this space. Is this a healthy environment for your fellow queers?

  14. No one here is saying people canā€™t have their preference ā€“ you can say no without offending people. You can be a racist or ageist or whatever but if people call you out on it ā€“ man up and say, ā€˜Yeah I am a racistā€™. Donā€™t bullshit us by saying otherwise. A bigot is a bigot.

    Donā€™t keep bringing up the straw man argument because if anyone is doing it, itā€™s you. I have given you examples, Iā€™ve given you definitions, Iā€™ve responded to your questions and Iā€™ve even given you direct links to those information.

    You ARE the one whoā€™s keep dismissing my arguments, not listening to the examples and definitions, keep avoiding answering my questions and not reading what I have posted here.

    Youā€™re making it clear that you do not wish nor care to understand nor empathize with the issue at hand.

    Just because you havenā€™t heard of these terms or issues doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t exist ā€“ it just means youā€™re ignorant and uneducated. And it appears that you wish to remain so.

    That is what the blinders of privilege is about ā€“ ignoring and denying the plight of marginalized people. If you have read that blog article, you would have understood that before ranting about your associations with people of color, not being privileged, blah blah blah.

  15. No one here is saying people canā€™t have their preference ā€“ you can say no without offending people. You can be a racist or ageist or whatever but if people call you out on it ā€“ man up and say, ā€˜Yeah I am a racistā€™. Donā€™t bullshit us by saying otherwise. A bigot is a bigot.

    Donā€™t keep bringing up the straw man argument because if anyone is doing it, itā€™s you. I have given you examples, Iā€™ve given you definitions, Iā€™ve responded to your questions and Iā€™ve even given you direct links to those information.

    You ARE the one whoā€™s keep dismissing my arguments, not listening to the examples and definitions, keep avoiding answering my questions and not reading what I have posted here.

    Youā€™re making it clear that you do not wish nor care to understand nor empathize with the issue at hand.

  16. Just because you havenā€™t heard of these terms or issues doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t exist ā€“ it just means youā€™re ignorant and uneducated. And it appears that you wish to remain so.

    That is what the blinders of privilege is about ā€“ ignoring and denying the plight of marginalized people. If you have read that blog article, you would have understood that before ranting about your associations with people of color, not being privileged, blah blah blah.

    I know NYC is racially and culturally diverse, I was there in the spring, stayed in Williamsburg, got on the L everyday ā€“ which makes it sadder that youā€™re such an insensitive and ignorant prick because you should know better.

  17. Earlier you commented about knowing REAL racism but you just said that to dismiss the valid complaints people have posted here. You just keep trying to maintain the status quo and drown out other peopleā€™s voices with your incessant insults and bitching.

    If you want to know more about racism, check out these links:


    If you bother to check those links youā€™ll find the different definitions and types of discrimination and then try applying to the attitude and actions of the people on Grindr and this site.

  18. In fact, Iā€™ll list some out nowā€¦

    Behaviours or practices that result in unequal power, resources or opportunities across different groups

    Direct discrimination:
    Unequal treatment that results in unequal power, resources or opportunities across different groups

    Indirect discrimination:
    Equal treatment that results in unequal power, resources or opportunities across different groups

    Interpersonal discrimination:
    Interactions between people that result in avoidable and unfair inequalities across different groups

    Systemic discrimination:
    Also called institutional, organisational, societal or cultural discrimination. This occurs when requirements, conditions, practices, policies or processes result in avoidable and unfair inequalities across different groups

    Internalised discrimination:
    When an individual accepts attitudes, beliefs or ideologies about the superiority of other groups and/or the inferiority of their own group

    Race-based discrimination:
    Behaviours and practices that result in avoidable and unfair inequalities across groups in society based on race, ethnicity, culture or religion

    Thatā€™s just a bit of the information given, so read up bitch.

  19. Ahh…my comments got fucked up. I guess this is what happens when I waste my time on a douchebag like Andy.

    It also seems like if I post more than one link, it will wait to be approved by the moderator.

    Anyway, before the comment above this one I posted this:

    Earlier you commented about knowing REAL racism but you just said that to dismiss the valid complaints people have posted here. You just keep trying to maintain the status quo and drown out other peopleā€™s voices with your incessant insults and bitching.

    If you want to know more about racism, check out these links:


  20. In case there are other people too dumb like Andy to understand, let me list of the issues pertaining to this act of posting ‘No Asians’

    1)Singling out an entire race is offensive – because an entire group who may share similar physical characteristics are NOT alike. They are still INDIVIDUALS with their own unique personality and behavior. Some are short, some are tall, some are thin, some are muscular. Some are ugly, some are good looking. This would apply to every race.

    2)Singling out an entire race or other minority group is also offensive because it is tactless, insensitive and harmful. It is harmful to the individual and it is harmful to the group. You are ALIENATING an already MARGINALIZED group. We should promote social inclusion with the queer community not exclusion.

    3)On why basing sexual or physical attraction on racial determinants is racist. Andy tried to use twist the issue by asking if a homosexual rejects a woman sexually, is he sexist?

    I answered (with references to definitions of sexism and homosexuality) that sexism is an attitude or behavior that is negative or discriminating towards women. Thus, rejecting a woman is not sexism because the homosexual is acting according to his sexuality which is attraction towards the same sex.

    But a non-white man is the same sex as a white man – if the rejection is not based on gender (the non-white man is not a woman) but is based upon his race, how is this not racial discrimination?

    If it is not, please explain why it is not? If you reject someone because of his racial features and physicality, how is that NOT racially prejudiced and discriminatory?

    What is it about this person racial features and physicality that you reject?

    4)The consistent denial that discrimination has taken place is offensive and problematic as well. Not only an entire race or group of people have been slighted but their voices to be heard is continually being denied. Is this an extension of that discrimination?

    There could be more to this issue but I can’t think of any at the moment. If anyone else can add, please do.

    The point is – racism and discrimination is a complex issue and dismissing it and trivializing it is not the way to deal with it.

    Educate yourselves.

  21. Azulmelb, u keep moving the goalposts. I made my case and its ironclad. You delicate kumbaya-style marys are in the minority with these far left views that put ur overly sensitive feelings ahead of free speech and freedom of choice. What’s REALLY offensive is you making assumtions about me and having absolutely no idea what ur talking about. Being insensitve or hurtful does not make u racist. Ur outdated Camille Paglia style gender and race politics are embarrassing. Basically u toss around heavy words like racist for any person who’s not nice. Grow up.

  22. Again, you avoid answering any of my questions and comments with more insults. That’s one way to win a debate eh?

    And dude, you’re projecting – you’re the one who’s using the strawman argument.

    You’re the one who may assumptions about me (you say I’m probably under 25 and without any real world experience, only theoretical).

    You’re the one who needs to grow up because you haven’t deal with this argument/debate reasonably, rationally and maturely.

  23. I have answered them. U talk about white priveledge- irrelevent because all races r excluding certain races. U say its not sexist to not be attracted to a certain sex but it is racist to not be attracted to a certain race. U cant have the logic apply to only one category. Its really that simple. And this is the first u’ve admitted to it being ok to have preferences, hence the moving goalposts comment. So now im supposed to defend THE WAY they state preferences? Dude u r looking for ways for people to be victimized. If u look hard enough and r willing to twist logic, u can find it in anything. And in case u people read this and dont know about strawmans, u r listing racism in regards to housing, employment, friendship, etc. That criteria was never meant to apply to sexual attraction. So ur agruing a similar point and trying to say it proves this point with no link other than ur own convoluted idea that u HAVE TO FEEL SUPERIOR if ur not attracted to a race. Let me put that wrong logic to bed. I prefer ketchup on french fries. I may say “NO MAYONAISSE” but i can still like mayo for other things and i dont think ketchup is superior to mayo. R u getting it yet?

  24. Fuck. I don’t why I’m responding to a person who doesn’t read what I have written, cherry picks certain points and twists them around, refuses to any of the important questions to him.

    First off, read the blog article I gave you before commenting – go to the link, read what Peggy McIntosh actually says about white privilege.

    This was not the first time I’ve admitted to saying it’s okay to have a preference – I never said it was not okay to state your preference BUT if your preference is based on race, then I will say it for what it is – that it is racist or influenced by racial prejudice.

    Don’t believe me – go to this thread:

    I do not twist my words or lie buddy, I think you may be guilty of that.

    I’ve also explained the difference between sexism and homosexuality – sexism is negative act or behavior towards women (meaning women are treated badly. Sex is involved in this).
    Homosexuality is sexually attraction to the same sex. Is race included in the definition of homosexuality? Does homosexuality mean sexual attraction to the same sex and race to you?

    So again I am asking you:

    A non-white man is the same sex as a white man ā€“ if the rejection is not based on gender (the non-white man is not a woman) but is based upon his race, how is this not racial discrimination?

    If it is not, please explain why it is not? If you reject someone because of his racial features and physicality, how is that NOT racially prejudiced and discriminatory?

    What is it about this person racial features and physicality that you reject?

  25. Couple of typos there, the most important one:
    sexism is negative act or behavior towards women (meaning women are treated badly. Sex is NOT involved in this). At least in the context that you are trying to use – “is it sexist to not be attracted to women?’

    Read it for yourself:

    sexĀ·ism (skszm)
    1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
    2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.

    sexism [ĖˆsɛksÉŖzəm]
    (Sociology) discrimination on the basis of sex, esp the oppression of women by men

  26. Just to be clear, these are the questions I am asking you:

    So again I am asking you:

    A non-white man is the same sex as a white man ā€“ if the rejection is not based on gender (the non-white man is not a woman) but is based upon his race, how is this not racial discrimination?

    If it is not, please explain why it is not? If you reject someone because of his racial features and physicality, how is that NOT racially prejudiced and discriminatory?

    What is it about this person racial features and physicality that you reject?

    For example…

    What is it about a black man that you do not find attractive and why?

    What is it about an Asian man that you do not find attractive and why?

    What is it about Middle Eastern men that you do not find attractive and why?

    And for comparison:

    What is about white men that you find attractive and why?

  27. Yo Annnndy. Where didja go buddy?

    Guess what I came across on the net today…

    The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

    Article 1

    1. In this Convention, the term ā€œracial discriminationā€ shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or PREFERENCE based on RACE, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.


    Still think racial preference is not racial discrimination?

  28. FYI:

    The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) is a United Nations convention. A second-generation human rights instrument, the Convention commits its members to the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of understanding among all races.


    Posted August 16, 2011 at 3:41 am “I LIVE IN FUCKING NEW YORK CITY!”

    Dude, since you’re in fucking NYC, you should go on down to the UN and tell them muthafuckers that racial preference is NOT racial discrimination!!

  29. Omg u r a fucking idiot!! For the umpteenth time THAT DOESNT PERTAIN TO SEXUAL ATTRACTION! Im not saying its just a preference in who i hire or let live in my bldg. God damn u r thick! U can cut and paste all the anti-discriminatory stuff u want. U havent posted one thing about sexual attraction. And i have answered ur retarded questions about why i am attracted and not attracted to certain races. R u so stupid that u cant tell the physical traits of races? If someone robbed u u couldnt tell the cops what race he was unless the robber told u. And I’m not Jude (thx Jude btw) and no matter what kind of bizarre irrelevant articles u c&p, guys who don’t dig asians are still not gonna dig asians. Ur insane.

  30. I have been with an Asian guy for four years. He is now 27 and I am now 33. He hasn’t had any military training, he’s always been shaped like a pear. I didn’t choose him based on race. I don’t care about his race. We have an amazing life together and an amazing sex life. I’ve been learning his native language for two years and I love his cooking. He adores me. He smells really good, his smile is my reward and he shags like a minx. The only downside is that clueless people think we are together out of desperation or something due to the fact that I am Caucasian and he is Asian: but it is not so. I dare anyone else to be who he is to me. There isn’t anyone else out there who is like he is, to me, on a personal level. If anything I’ve seen a lot of generic and boring Caucasian guys who are robbing themselves of opportunities to be with good people who happen to be of another race.

  31. Nice comment Hey! I am white Brit that happens to live in Asia and the are so many different kinds of guys here you can’t generalize like that and not come off as a douche.
    Even if you do prefer the causasian guys, saying no Asians just makes you seem nasty and a nice Caucasian lad should think twice before replying to this idiot. I’d rather date an Asian than a dumb Yankee!

  32. The race-cops on this site are freakin’ HILARIOUS, as if they ACTUALLY care about race issues. I wonder if they’re this adamant when people of color are denied residences, education, LGBT press coverage and service/admittance in stores, clubs and restaurants…or when the noose was found at the Smithsonian Black History Museum the other day, the same day when the n-word was spray-painted onto the front gate of LeBron James’ CA home…

    *Crickets chirp*

    I didn’t think so…

  33. BTW, that guy’s not a douche.He has every right to say that he’s not into Asians, who are probably approaching him from all angles, because they’ve been brainwashed by this culture.

  34. Actually the no Asians might not be the tackiest thing here. It’s that smirky ” wow me while I lie back like s starfish” attitude …I’d also call bullshit on 25. I’d say 32.


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