44 thoughts on “Horrible Douche”

  1. Adam, that is an opinion so it cannot be true or false! It just is. And what it is, is douchey like you! (And that is my opinion, but I bet it’s true.)

  2. his profile is more poking fun at older white guys who date twinky young asian guys, IT’S A FUCKING JOKE, he’s not a douche.

    No douche is that self aware about getting old and able to make a joke about it.

  3. OK most of these “douche” postings are people submitting a race comment. Some people don’t like certain races and so what? On that note, this guy is not a douche. It is called satire.

  4. It’s always the Asians and Blacks who scream “RACIST DOUCHE! RACIST DOUCHE! I’M TELLING MOMMY!” Silly queens.

    1. And it’s always you mediocre white guys who discover the cuter white guys they want aren’t interested in them and go crying, “Mommy ! Mommy !”, see what I did there ? 😉

  5. I cringe when i come across a profile that states: “no asians or indians” because it alienates people. I am Arabic, attracted to middle easterners, caucasians, latinos, etc – but i DO NOT insensitively state that in my profile. If someone msgs me and im not interested, i respectfully say “thank you – but im not keen”. Never alienate people because it can be damaging.

  6. why would he be scared on dating a young asian ladyboy?! if hes really gay, he wouldnt even be thinking on dating an asian ladyboy.. of course he would think of them as his “SISTA” 😛 such a douch and an idiot .. SHAAAMMMEEEEE!!! LOL

  7. Please read between words, guys.
    The FACT : he is a big bottom rite now. So he is really scared being old when no tops wanna fxxk him, he’s gonna to learn how to top. He doesnt want that to happen.

  8. He should be scared. With that hairline? The face that needs to lose 2 or 3 pounds? The sun damage? This dude is fighting for his life.

    Laser skin resurfacing, botox, facial liposuction, lip injections, and a wig or transplant can buy you 4 more years. Still no excuse for the racism, douche.

  9. What exactly is he specifically scared about? The getting old part or the needing to date an asian “ladyboy” part as a result of it?

  10. haha! please substitute “date” with “pay for a”.

    you’d have to be crazy to imagine that any Asian would willing date a person who looks like that.

  11. Being Asian sucks in this racist world. This is enough to make all Asian ladyboys go shoot themselves in the head.

  12. Asian guys are a lot more discerning nowadays, and they wield a lot more power than even 10 years ago. They are rapidly finding an equal footing with white guys. They make the same demands as white guys: based on age, weight etc.

    I have pointed out to them that applying these filters based on age, weight etc. is as discriminatory as someone saying “no Asians”, but it hasn’t sunk in.

    The fact is: the more filters you apply to a pool of candidates, the fewer results you will have. In refining your results to exclude a lot of candidates based on race, age, weight or whatever, you might well exclude someone great.

    (Declaration of interests: 33, white, Australian, in a relationship of four years standing with a younger Asian guy)

    1. And I bet your thing is small and your belly is big.
      Spare us.

      You wouldn’t be looking in his direction 10 years ago much less knowing how much power Asians have.

      1. Oh hey there! Long time no chat.

        While most of what you said doesn’t make sense wrong with your assumptions about my physical self. Plus I certainly would have looked at him ten years ago.

        My point was: if you have a small pool of people to choose from, why make that pool any smaller?

  13. I agree that it’s a joke.
    I can see how it could upset Asains as it uses them as a comical device.
    But he’s calling out a stereotype.
    I was scared of getting older for awhile. I’m sure he adjusted.

  14. If you have limited words I just feel it’s better to put what you like rather than don’t -I know so many guys running around on apps who are really unhappy all the time

  15. He’s got a point.
    I’m pretty tired of seeing that combination, too. Actually, I’m pretty sick of the whole old/fat/ugly white person with hot, young person of color dynamic, period.
    It’s just not healthy, from either partner.
    The whole idea that, because other white people now find you repulsive, suddenly you’ve become “inclusive” in your sexual habits. What’s worse is how many people of color have so little self-respect, they actually fall for the gimmick.
    That’s just sad.

  16. @Adam
    “What’s worse is how many people of color have so little self-respect, they actually fall for the gimmick”

    So, are colored people not douches when they have “preferences” that exclude their own race (what YOU often times say!), or is it an issue that “many of people color have so little self-respect”? Which is it?

    Get your story straight, because no one likes your behavior. And, the more I get to read your posts, the more I’m becoming infuriated just having to deal with you.


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