35 thoughts on “A(not)4A”

  1. This is obviously one of those self hate cases, he knows hes considered asian, he knows hes asian, and preferring to be thought of as mixed instead of asian when he knows he is is just annoying, and makes it obvious he hates that hes asian. And on top of that he doesnt like asians, thats just sad. He needs to realize that no matter what happens, he will always be asian. I dont understand why he wouldnt like his asian-ness, theyre so attractive and cute.

      1. “other ways” of saying asian, could be very politically incorrect and insensitive. Think about it for 2 seconds…

  2. Could be a latino boy. Thing is, a lot of latinos, esecailly central/ south American ones, look a LOT like asians (the Indians did came from Asia, and Ameri-latinos are mixed Spanish/ Indian linage).

    So he might not be self loathing, but still, another rude one.

  3. I know a few Asians who like to refer to themselves as “mixed” because it sounds better than saying “asian”. They’re self-hating cunts and just as bad as the non-asians who put in their profiles “NOT INTO ASIAN”.

    This particular “asian” is a self-hating turd and actually hurts other asians by putting himself into the same category as those who I described above. He’s obviously Asian and he even has a username as “A(not)forA” which I’m guessing means “Asian not for Asian”.

    Did I also mention that he’s ugly as hell too? He looks like one of those bitch-faced little twink-wannabes who live to dance on the box at the club.

  4. ugly self hating whore. Please… you ain’t mixed. You are 100% asian. The reason you put mixed because you are self hating and attempt to diss your asianess and maybe because your low self esteem has been attacked so many times by white people who reject ‘asian’ in general and in order to regain the status of ‘im not like those asian’, they resort to describing themselves as ‘mixed’. Regardless how clueless this self hating asian – they still chase and actively seek white males and usually end up with the ugly white rejects.

  5. man what a wanker. Guys if someone likes/loves you then man your a lucky son of a gun, regardless of what they look like.

  6. Yeah even if he is a victim of low self-esteem, he just gives all those people who say “NO ASIAN” more ammunition to feel justified about it. Especially when they see an ASIAN saying just that, their defense will be, “WELL YOU GUYS SAY IT TOO!”

    This piece of shit encourages that kind of behavior and only hurts his own race even more. I think self-hating racists are worse than the rest.

  7. I don’t dare say if this guy is Asian or not but if he is – this is what’s called ‘internalised discrimination’.

    Internalised discrimination:
    When an individual accepts attitudes, beliefs or ideologies about the superiority of other groups and/or the inferiority of their own group

    As for all this ‘No Asians’ comments and the responses and reactions from it – I believe this is called racial microaggression. It’s a subtle form of racial bias that sometimes the perpetrator and even victim aren’t even aware or sure if it happened.

    Check the following, if interested:

    From Psychology Today.com:

    Microaggressions in Everyday Life: A new view on racism, sexism, and heterosexism.
    by Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D., and David Rivera, M.S.

  8. Aaah yes, the whole “mixed” instead of what they REALLY are syndrome. I see a lot of black guys list themselves as “native american”, for example. Internalized racism, party of one! Also, I’m gonna go ahead and say even if he is latino with asian features (the Dora the Explorer effect), its still internalized racism. He gets asked constantly if he’s Vienamese/Thai/etc and it makes him mad, I guarantee it.

  9. well not sure about the whole “mixed” thing. he does look Asian, but he certainly could be mixed. however to call him self hating because he is not sexually attracted to people of his own race is ridiculous. maybe he is gay, but not a homo. nothing wrong with liking something a little different than yourself. after all, he did not dis asians, he simple said “sorry not into Asians.” i am a white guy who really likes Asians, Latinos and Blacks. i have never done another white guy as they just don’t turn me on. however that doesn’t mean i hate myself or my race. some of my best friends are gwai los 🙂

  10. omg its only what gets him going some white guys will only have black or asian are they self hating no you pricks on here need to stfu. guess im a douch now cause im honest haha

  11. I love how you guys have nothing better to do then comment on some photos of people that have not a clue about. I know this guy, good friend actually.. he saves lives part of the time for his living and the other part well a very sweet person.. who gives a flying fuck if hes not into asians.. im white and i just don’t find an attraction to white guys.. call me what you will it’s a known fact in society people have PREFERENCES… fucking sad people! I honestly bet it’s because you guys get no fucking ass what so ever.. so instead you complain complain complain.. clean it up queens.. besides since when did us queers start hating on one another when you should be giving props.. fight the good fight

  12. I think everyone has a right to their preferences. There’s something for everyone: asian for asian, asian for white, white for latino, etc. In my opinion, this asian guy/grindr douchebag is ugly and unattractive. But there is ugly and unattractive for fat and hairy, fat and hairy for short and cross-eyed, etc etc etc.

  13. I think everyone has a right to their preferences. There’s something for everyone: asian for asian, asian for white, white for latino, etc. In my opinion, this asian guy/grindr douchebag is ugly and unattractive. But there is ugly and unattractive for fat and hairy, fat and hairy for short and cross-eyed, etc etc etc.

  14. Blah blah “Self loathing”

    There’s something called attraction.
    You can be attracted to a group of people without being hateful against yourself or the excluded group.

  15. I live in Asia and there’s a lot of guys who are desperate to be ‘ mixed ‘ instead of Asian. And they just look Asian. When it gets freaky is when they get their eyes widened surgically.

  16. He’s not a douche. He’s a beautiful, fit man who’s not into Asians. That’s his preference and his RIGHT. It’s not your place to tell him how to self-identify, who to desire and how to express that desires, as if you actually care about people of color.
    Give me a break, self-righteous liberal douches.

  17. The moment Adam brought up “liberal” (political component), I disregarded what measly, diminished value I tried regarding his post with.

  18. *Sighs* Well, this profile was posted back in 2011, which was a decade earlier from my comment here. Per my prayers, his attitude has hopefully changed since.

    I’m 100% Chinese, and I’m nothing but proud of being a Chinese muscular/semi-muscular dude; with cute boyish eyes and a pair of very grabbable muscle pecs. <3


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