20 thoughts on “Masked Douche”

  1. He’s not a douche, nor does he “hate” anyone.
    He’s entitled to say to whom he’s not attracted, saving everyone time.
    If he’s not attracted to you, so be it.

    1. Your comment is bad and you should feel bad. He doesn’t have the right to call out whole groups of people, you can’t say, for example, “I’m interested in guys who are similar like me”. This guy’s a douche. He belongs here…and sounds like you do too.

  2. saying ‘ abo ‘ is highly offensive. it’s a,nasty Bogan Aussie word. ironically there’s very few gay aborigine guys around every time I’ve been in Australia. Adam I’m assuming you haven’t been there ? have a preference yes. if you’re nasty like this, people will react badly to it.

    1. No, I’ve never been to Australia, but, that’s irrelevant.
      What is relevant is his right to state to whom he’s not attracted.
      Would we all like everyone to more polite about stating their preferences, sure, but, sometimes, polite doesn’t get the message across to those who insist upon bombarding one’s inbox with inquiries, after reading that they’re not this guy’s “cup of tea”.

      1. He has the right to say whatever he wants. No one is stopping him. We have the rights to call him a douchebag. Free speech runs both ways.

        1. Yes, it does.
          I have the right to call out the pathologies that make you call every man who rejects you-or anyone else-a “douche”.
          You have the right to try to prove me wrong, though, you never will.:)

  3. Your comment is bad and you should feel bad. He doesn’t have the right to call out whole groups of people, you can’t say, for example, “I’m interested in guys who are similar like me”. This guy’s a douche. He belongs here…and sounds like you do too.

      1. he ain’t got the smarts Ryan. Spends a,lot of time telling anyone how popular he is …and how awful we all are. Keeps him happy though and off the streets

        1. LOL
          Poor Tommy.
          You can’t refute any of my posts, so, you’re reduced to complaining about me.
          God bless ya.:)

    1. Oy…
      He’s sexually rejecting, not “calling out”, entire groups of people, probably those who refuse to take “no” for an answer.
      That’s his right.
      You, however, don’t have the right to try to tell him whom he’s supposed to desire, or express those desires.

    2. It’s not your place to try to tell me how I should feel about telling the truth.
      I’m immune to your insincere SJW BS, but, thanks.:)

  4. Mm. I’ve been to AU 5 times now. Fantastic country. But yes, calling out ‘ abos’ is just plain racist. They have a crap enough deal without drongos like this Bogan shagging them off.
    Being polite is real easy , guys. If you aren’t, be prepared for some people to make a comment.

  5. Again, he didn’t “call out” anyone.
    He rejected them.
    I guess that you’re unwilling to see the difference because doing so would screw up your narrative.
    Being polite is easy, though, you’re in no position to denigrate anyone’s manners.
    Besides, it’s difficult to be polite to people who refuse to take “no” for an answer, because they believe that they’re entitled to you.

  6. Oh Adam, sweetheart. Why you still angry? Is it that you’ve never forgotten that I met Jake after you? Hating everyone is just damaging you, darling. Xxx

  7. So,
    Let me kindly break down the unalienable rights in this comments page:

    – Racist Grindr head has a right to state his racist “preference”.

    – People who are turned off by racist Grindr head has the right to call him out for his prejudicial douchebag behaviour.

    – Adam has the right to believe myopically that people who are annoyed at racist Grindr heads all have some kind of weird pathology enamored with queeny bitchiness owed to not being able to accept rejection (due to unattractiveness).

    – We have the right to TRY to inject a little intelligence into single-minded Adam; and to help him realize that
    a) There’re hot/handsome guys who get all the guys they want who don’t find the behavior of racist Grindr heads a turn-on, and
    b) The world does not fit into his little short-sighted right-versus-wrong, hot-versus-not black-and-white bubble.

    Now, regarding the most previous point,
    Adam, according to himself, has already resigned his idiocy into defeat; he’s already decided he’s not going to be proven wrong (despite the fact that I just did). More power to his ‘rights’, I suppose. heh.

    ***roll eyes***


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