24 thoughts on “Real Men Camp”

  1. OMG that was an awsome exchange! …a few things though.

    If that guy in the pic is 32, then I’m 22. Also, I don’t get these totally unattractive losers thinking they can be so picky and bossy. They need to take whatever they can get.

    1. I agree completely… I also disagree with broadcasting your conversations with these guys. Judging someone for what they put out in the public domain is one thing, but sitting back and judging someone of snippets of what is ostensibly a private conversation is another thing altogether.

  2. Umm, of course it’s judgmental. If you are going to use 2 sentences of text to spew hated and arrogance, you are open for criticism

    1. Really? and it’s your job to criticise the criticisers? I am just not so sure what makes you people think you’re free to vilify some of these guys? You’re doing it sitting behind a computer screen, at least they have the guts to put their picture up. The only difference between you and them is that they’ve got the balls to own it.

  3. Jude you keep trying to defend these racist homophobic cunts on all your posts. Which means everything you say means less than nothing to me. And as for publically shaming these arseholes it’s about bloody time.

  4. You effeminates are pretty pathetic. He’s not a douche. He wants something you’ll never be:a desireable, masculine man. Get over it. People are tired of pretending that you’re great. You’re not. You’re a spiteful, miserable bunch.
    You’re to blame for your high rate of rejection.


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