@D: This blog is full of profiles from guys like you, who for some reasons hate “femme” guys because it makes them fear their own dick is going to fall off or something.
Being an FTM, i’m like 80% sure that’s either a naturally androgy boy or a FTM. all you people talking shit about the way he looks… how are you any better than the femme-haters? Seriously…
That is one gnarly-assed hickie on dude’s neck.
Makeup n eyeliner couldn’t help. Failed!
Just so you Yanks are clear, “Oi” is a proper spelling.
In the UK and Australia, we say “Oi!” like you say “Hey!”
“Oy!” is the term generally attributed to Jewish people expressing exasperation.
“Oi!” is merely like saying “Hey!” or “Yo!”
matt…..the word suggestions…..doesn’t have a u in it!
that’s the spelling issue
Well thanks Miss Information
Arr but I don’t this one should be classed a douchbag. He didn;t say anything bigoted.
Um… The pose is douchebag enough.
She’s not a douche. She’s a cunt. If it weren’t for her flat chest she’d be a dead ringer for a woman.
Matt missed the fact that suggestion is spelled wrong. My “sugguestion” is to use a faceless pic next time.
@D: This blog is full of profiles from guys like you, who for some reasons hate “femme” guys because it makes them fear their own dick is going to fall off or something.
So honestly, STFU. This is NOT the blog for you.
White suburban boy with a gang pose with a nasty hickey on his neck and bad dye job hair with eyeliner?
hey Hollywood Blvd is calling, they need their prostitute back.
That’s great Matt, now, if I may make a SUGGESTION, try to check your spelling before commenting on others.
That being said, he’s a pretty cute twink, though he is a mess.
First suggestion–Photoshop out the hickey before posting your nasty photo on Grindr.
Let’s start with…an education.
@Matt, As a yank I appriciate the slang lesson 🙂
Definitely a “Pat” –is it a He or a She or a What or a Shim?
So THAT’S what crystal meth looks like!
556 meters away, hmm…
Only one option: Run the fuck away in whatever direction is opposite to his.
Tranny train wreck!!!!
Hey! Fellas – leave him alone.
The comments about this profile are homophobic. You’re propagating the hyper-masculine abuse if you think that ‘all men should be like x’.
Being an FTM, i’m like 80% sure that’s either a naturally androgy boy or a FTM. all you people talking shit about the way he looks… how are you any better than the femme-haters? Seriously…
this lad looks like a,Lotta.fun leave him alone