OK so you think we don't notice your protruding belly... all the more noticeable when you so RUDELY demand of your suitors that which you yourself do not possess?
umm… he’s not fat at all.
Did you put the wrong pic to this header or were you just not wearing your glasses?
Seriously, he’s extremely hot!!!!!
I’d definately do him :p
If you think he’s fat, then I’m very curious to see a picture of you.
I admit that some of these guys could phrase their statements better, but I don’t think that saying you’re looking for muscled guys is that douchey. Everyone has their sexual preferences and that can be one of them.
I’ll agree with you on the racist parts – it’s ridiculous to categorically rule out Asians or something. I’ve been with hot men of nearly every possible ethnicity over the years. (And happen to be a big fan of Asians!)
I think if you work that hard on your body, and that is something you want in something else, then that’s your right to prefer that. Nothing douchy at all.
This blog claims to call out douches, but itself has a really nasty attitude about bodies. I have seen numerous posts calling people fat even though they aren’t. Even if they were fat, it’s perpetuating just as many stereotypes as we see in the profiles posted here. It’s pretty clear the writer has his own set of hang ups that he needs to work on rather than putting down others for theirs.
hey whoever wrote the caption to this, this website is gonna start sucking if you’re gonna come off as an asshole, i don’t care if you think a guy is too fat too gay or whatever, i want the grindr profiles themselves to expose the douchebaginess of the creator, the protruding belly comment makes you come off as a douchebag with extreme standards of what is “fat”, so kindly calm the fuck down before you ruin this site for everyone
This site is already on the way to imploding… The term ‘douche’ is too subjective and could include anyone, most of which sound like guys that have turned you down or rejected you…
I still say you’re off base. He’s not fat. This is just like people calling models fat when they are more than a size zero. The guy is in good shape and has a nice body. Yes, he’s a bit douchey to have the “DON’T MESSAGE ME” text, but calling him fat is ridiculous.
Let’s see a photo of you, since you’re obviously ripped.
Congrats! You know your site has made it when it’s attracting trolls and haters.
BTW, I’m serious, not sarcastic.
“Bellied Douche” in this case means something else then? Please define it for me, I am not able to imagine what other definition “bellied” would have.
And I’m not in any way trolling, I’ve been polite – there is a difference between being a troll and simply disagreeing with someone, though I suspect Dr Lulzington can’t distinguish.
Oh, Nathan, trolls don’t have to be rude. They can, and usually are, quite passive-aggressive.
You can ask for muscled without being an ass “don’t message me”. Nothing down to earth about that people !
Oh hey! This is Matt Schwenk from Seattle and Spokane, WA. Don’t worry, he’s a well-known douche from any perspective. Grindr, real life, anywhere. He’s been like this his whole life and has convinced himself there’s nothing wrong with being such a jerk!
About Matt Love yourself, Love your family, love your friends, and smile at every stranger you meet. Our nation needs a heavy dose of heart right now, so let’s dish it out!
I would like to think I am a pretty decent guy. 🙂 Good head on my shoulders, good sense of humor, going places in life. 🙂 I love working out and staying in good shape. Love hanging out with friends. Love to learn new things, life is short, I should fill my head with as much as it can handle. Also, got this random gift for being able to create art, so big fan of the arts as well.
I think what makes him douchey is that he says “not muscled? Dont msg me!!!”. Having said that, i dont think hes being hypocritical. He’s got nice pecs, nice arms and hot cum gutters. Having said that, its the cunty tagline that makes him a douche.
Bellied!?!? U gotta be kidding me. I agree with yeahthisblogislame and Nanook. The blog name “Douchebags of Grindr” could actually show so may douchebags but the tone is very sourgrapes which to me is more douchey than most profiles featured on here. The last batch, to ur credit, seemed more like what I consider douches.
He face is HOT to… trust me 🙂 and no he don’t have a belly, thats solid. If this is a belly then grinder must be a chubby chaser app cus everyones tummys are fatter then his 😛
Matt is a huge douche – I have known him for 8 years and I think his age has only increased on his many profiles a couple times. I think he was 23 for about 6 years!
This guy must have rejected this site’s administrator, as have most of the guys featured on this blog, I’ll bet.
This guy’s no douche. He’s direct…and right. Why should he lower his physical standards to f*ck you? Do you really think that you’re, somehow, entitled, to be with a hot guy?
umm… he’s not fat at all.
Did you put the wrong pic to this header or were you just not wearing your glasses?
Seriously, he’s extremely hot!!!!!
I’d definately do him :p
If you think he’s fat, then I’m very curious to see a picture of you.
I admit that some of these guys could phrase their statements better, but I don’t think that saying you’re looking for muscled guys is that douchey. Everyone has their sexual preferences and that can be one of them.
I’ll agree with you on the racist parts – it’s ridiculous to categorically rule out Asians or something. I’ve been with hot men of nearly every possible ethnicity over the years. (And happen to be a big fan of Asians!)
I know, right? Whenever I see a racist post, I’m all, “more for me, then”!
He’s a douche for demanding a certain body type right in his profile, but he does have a good body. I’ll give him that
And a douche for requiring a hot face and only showing the bottom half of his
I think if you work that hard on your body, and that is something you want in something else, then that’s your right to prefer that. Nothing douchy at all.
Yeah, I don’t see a belly, either. Only psychological issues.
Definitely doesn’t have a belly–a great body but he’d do better if he’d lose the attitude.
who wants to lick some hair!!! NOT ME
I think his body is hot but cowards who don’t show their face suck
This blog claims to call out douches, but itself has a really nasty attitude about bodies. I have seen numerous posts calling people fat even though they aren’t. Even if they were fat, it’s perpetuating just as many stereotypes as we see in the profiles posted here. It’s pretty clear the writer has his own set of hang ups that he needs to work on rather than putting down others for theirs.
I agree completely. Our community is way too obsessed with that insult anyhow. It’s no better than calling someone “fem” or whatever.
hey whoever wrote the caption to this, this website is gonna start sucking if you’re gonna come off as an asshole, i don’t care if you think a guy is too fat too gay or whatever, i want the grindr profiles themselves to expose the douchebaginess of the creator, the protruding belly comment makes you come off as a douchebag with extreme standards of what is “fat”, so kindly calm the fuck down before you ruin this site for everyone
This site is already on the way to imploding… The term ‘douche’ is too subjective and could include anyone, most of which sound like guys that have turned you down or rejected you…
He has a nice body, but still has no abs. He should be PERFECT considering his demands.
Yes, that was my point.
I still say you’re off base. He’s not fat. This is just like people calling models fat when they are more than a size zero. The guy is in good shape and has a nice body. Yes, he’s a bit douchey to have the “DON’T MESSAGE ME” text, but calling him fat is ridiculous.
Let’s see a photo of you, since you’re obviously ripped.
I didn’t call him fat. That’s on you.
Congrats! You know your site has made it when it’s attracting trolls and haters.
BTW, I’m serious, not sarcastic.
“Bellied Douche” in this case means something else then? Please define it for me, I am not able to imagine what other definition “bellied” would have.
And I’m not in any way trolling, I’ve been polite – there is a difference between being a troll and simply disagreeing with someone, though I suspect Dr Lulzington can’t distinguish.
Oh, Nathan, trolls don’t have to be rude. They can, and usually are, quite passive-aggressive.
You can ask for muscled without being an ass “don’t message me”. Nothing down to earth about that people !
Oh hey! This is Matt Schwenk from Seattle and Spokane, WA. Don’t worry, he’s a well-known douche from any perspective. Grindr, real life, anywhere. He’s been like this his whole life and has convinced himself there’s nothing wrong with being such a jerk!
He lists Jersey Shore on his Facebook page as his favorite show. Yes, he is a douche. Also, he seems to have more of a belly on his Facebook profile.
from the FB profile:
About Matt Love yourself, Love your family, love your friends, and smile at every stranger you meet. Our nation needs a heavy dose of heart right now, so let’s dish it out!
I would like to think I am a pretty decent guy. 🙂 Good head on my shoulders, good sense of humor, going places in life. 🙂 I love working out and staying in good shape. Love hanging out with friends. Love to learn new things, life is short, I should fill my head with as much as it can handle. Also, got this random gift for being able to create art, so big fan of the arts as well.
Come on, he’s humble and full o’ compassion.
admin is bitchy
I think what makes him douchey is that he says “not muscled? Dont msg me!!!”. Having said that, i dont think hes being hypocritical. He’s got nice pecs, nice arms and hot cum gutters. Having said that, its the cunty tagline that makes him a douche.
Where’s the fat?
Bellied!?!? U gotta be kidding me. I agree with yeahthisblogislame and Nanook. The blog name “Douchebags of Grindr” could actually show so may douchebags but the tone is very sourgrapes which to me is more douchey than most profiles featured on here. The last batch, to ur credit, seemed more like what I consider douches.
He face is HOT to… trust me 🙂 and no he don’t have a belly, thats solid. If this is a belly then grinder must be a chubby chaser app cus everyones tummys are fatter then his 😛
Matt is a huge douche – I have known him for 8 years and I think his age has only increased on his many profiles a couple times. I think he was 23 for about 6 years!
I dont find him fat …
This guy must have rejected this site’s administrator, as have most of the guys featured on this blog, I’ll bet.
This guy’s no douche. He’s direct…and right. Why should he lower his physical standards to f*ck you? Do you really think that you’re, somehow, entitled, to be with a hot guy?