17 thoughts on “Ass Licker”

  1. It’s impressive to be only 20 years old and have so much spite, malice, and prejudice. Well done son! I am sure the Asian and Latino men simply can’t wait to hook up with this guy and his dog tongue.

  2. Ugly picture, stupid profile, racism, ageism…..I think we found the Douchebags of Grindr poster child!

  3. The only thing douchey is referring to men as “things” lol. I am a white guy and I don’t believe saying “no whites” is racist…

  4. Why, Matt, that is because it is quite the rare occasion, now isn’t it? 😉 how many profiles have you seen that mentioned, hmm?

    The pain comes from the sense of repetition and reinforcement of the belief that you do not belong. To hell with it if only a few people are like-minded, but if you were to see it on EVERY other profile I’m sure you would not feel the same way.


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