18 thoughts on “VID (Very Important Douche)”

  1. The Gap would be a step up from the dumpster you pulled that shirt out of. And judging from your waistline, you owe some waiters an apology!

  2. So, this means, “I’m so deep in the closet I could never let people at work who use grindr know I’m gay”. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!

  3. He doesn’t work at the gap because the greeter position was fill by someone with less experience but didn’t exhibit any overt douchebag affectations….

  4. @Aus 🙂 calling it a her is an insult to feminity 😉 it’s an it.

    It actually believes that putting a face to a pic is ‘loser’ – I’d have to agree with Art – that’s its pretty Douche-y.

    I wonder where it was during all the out and proud campaigns, or during the dialogues about homophobia where we were supposed to learn how to spot behaviours in ourselves that are about our own fear and shame after years of being outcast.

    This one’s about pathological shame (‘I need to hide myself, in fear of persecution – i won’t let you see my face’), not principled shame (he’s douched it to the max).

  5. but you scared to show your face… the bitches on here are braver than your ass to show their faces on here. Maybe you should learn something. Come out the closet and maybe we could work something out. You make bitches like me love to be gay because bitches like you scared of what people might say about you. Yes I am a queer queen fag batty boy butt pirate,all of that but you know what? I am out and proud of it bitch!


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