23 thoughts on “Tweaky Douche”

  1. Can someone please explain what he means? I really have no idea what he is saying. I get he just called himself Mr. Crystal Meth and that is about it.

  2. This twink can’t even be original. The excerpt in his profile is from a Jeffree Star blog from a few years ago. Double fail.

  3. the guy that posted this is mad that i would not have sex with him cause he was ugly and he had a dirty ass hole. don’t come over and drop your pants at the door. smell goes a long way, so try a shower.I don’t do drugs..
    So Justin grow a pair and get over yourself!

  4. @Jordan Of course you don’t do drugs…*eyeroll*

    @Toronto The meth use is sad, but the Jeffrey Star quotation just makes it worse.

  5. Where are your testicles sir? Be a man and say it to my face.
    Or how about correct grammar? Referring to people as “douche bags” does not come across very smart, especially cause its a cleaning device. For example; Hunt, here is a douche to clean your dirty ass hole!
    Unlike a douche bag i can breath, and i have all the correct organs to be human.
    So next time you try to insult someone, make sure that it makes sense!

      1. The deaths at the Love Parade were not drug related but caused by the organizers due to poor decision making and regulations that were not followed by security as well as the Mayor of Duisburg. You are referring to an accident in a post about drug dos#7&e821n;t seem very fitting to me. There is a difference between people dying from taking drugs and people being crushed to death because of mass panic due to being held in a small space.

  6. I think being called a douche refers to the fact that you are just as worthless as a douche. I mean they are pointless when it comes to hygiene and do more harm then good, sooooo calling you a douche would be an insult 馃檪

    Your welcome.


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